Soil Biology/Soil Health PD
Soil is a fascinating habitat literally under our feet which offers opportunities to explore the carbon cycle, chemistry, ecosystems and more. This two day workshop will provide you hands-on experience in teaching about soil. We will spend one morning on a field trip to visit a site that has implemented soil health practices. You have the option to become GLOBE trained which makes you eligible to receive mini-grants for classroom supplies. This course will be a 15 hour in person course. Credit will be offered. Additional GLOBE e-training available. A final reflection will be required for stipend. Made possible by grant funding from the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service with support from the SD Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources 319 Information and Education Project and the South Dakota Space Grant Consortium.
Date and Time
Wednesday Jun 28, 2023 Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Woods Center Southeast Tech, Sioux Falls
Grade Levels: 6-12, science and agriculture teachers Credits: 1 Fee: Free Stipend provided upon completion of assignment.
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