Research to Classrooms PD
Grade Levels 6-12 Credits 2 Fee: None, Teacher stipend provided. Join us for a 2 day exploration of newly developed science kits that bring research into your classroom, connecting students with scientists and engineers across South Dakota and beyond. The kits apply the 3D model for science instruction, anchoring the research as phenomena. We will play with the kits, meet some of the scientists and participate in collecting data and making observations for several of the projects. Topics include astronomy and the life cycle of stars, plant adaptation and response to changes in the environment, soil biology and respiration, remote sensing and changes in landscapes, and citizen science and plants/biomass and respiration. Made possible by grant funding from the National Science Foundation through the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR)
Date and Time
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023 Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Sioux Falls, SD at Augustana University
None, Teacher stipend provided. (meals and accommodations will not be provided)
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