Registration for Archaeology Camp
Archaeology Camp 2023 will be June 6th through June 8th from 8am to 5pm. Registration opens May 1st at 8am central time and will remain open till all spots are filled or May 4th, whichever comes first. The program is structured for campers to attend all three days. If a camper cannot attend all three days, they should not register Camp is for students going into grades 4-6 (no exceptions) for the 2023-2024 school year. The link for registration will be posted on the Historic Preservation's webpage at https://history.sd.gov/preservation. For more information please contact Jenna Carlson Dietmeier at 605-773-8360 or by e-mail at jenna.carlsondietmeier@state.sd.us.
Date and Time
Monday May 1, 2023 Thursday May 4, 2023
Camp June 6th-8th Registration May 1st-4th
Pierre, SD
On registration website
Contact Information
Jenna Carlson Dietmeier at 605-773-8360 or by e-mail at jenna.carlsondietmeier@state.sd.us.