Career-driven Suzannah Hayden needs a lot more help on the home front than she’s getting from her husband, Gibby. Lately, nurturing his marriage hasn’t been the highest priority for Gibby, but pretty soon he’ll wish it had been. Enter Beth Bailey, Suzannah’s newly-hired assistant, a gregarious, highly-motivated daughter of the South. To Suzannah’s delight, Beth explodes into the Hayden household and whips it into an organized, well-run machine. Suzannah gives Beth carte blanche to change anything in the household that “will make it run more efficiently.” And the change Beth makes is convincing Suzannah that Gibby must go! A newly-motivated Gibby sets out to save his marriage aided by Suzannah’s best friend, Margo, a wisecracking divorcee and her ex-husband, Hank, who is in the midst of his own mid-life crisis. Their effort to stop Beth at any cost sets up the wildly funny climax in which things go uproariously awry just as Suzannah’s boss arrives for an all-important business dinner.
Date and Time
Friday Dec 2, 2022
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM CST
Friday, Dec. 2, 2022 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM CST Doors Open at 7 p.m., Performance at 7:30 p.m.
Pierre Players Community Theatre 109 S. Pierre Street Pierre, SD 57501
Adult tickets are $15. Student (high school and under) and senior citizen tickets are $13.
Contact Information
(605) 224-7826
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