Fall Festival & Soup Cook-Off
Fall Festival & Soup Cook-Off, Trick or Treating, Candy, Games, and soup! For everyone of all ages. If you're interested in providing a soup, sign up in the Narthex or on the clipboards at worship. Soup will be serves from 4-6 PM with a free will donation, OR you can buy your votes at 2 for $1 and help your favorite soup win!! All proceeds from the soup fundraiser will go to our Youth Group kids who will be going on a mission trip to Logan County, WV next summer!
Date and Time
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM CDT
Sunday, October 22, 4-6 PM
Lutheran Memorial Church
Free to attend. Free will donation, proceed go to our Youth Group kids who will be going on a mission trip to Logan County, WV next summer!
Contact Information
Lutheran Memorial Church
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