Discovery on Tap: Squids!
Dr. Sarah McAnulty, “squid-ologist” will join us Feb 21 at 3 PM CT via Zoom (simulstreamed to FB Live) to talk about all things squid AND lead us through a dissection of a squid. We are all about the hands-on so we encourage you to order your own squid to dissect along at home. We recommend the 8”-12” squid and Student Scalpel from Carolina. You will also need tweezers. This Discovery on Tap is a great opportunity for a high school students who want more opportunities to practice dissection or for those of us who have been out of high school for a while who want to try our hand at dissecting again. Register to receive the Zoom link to participate. The link will be sent 24 hours prior to the event via email. This is a free event but donations are gratefully accepted. Registration link: https://www.sd-discovery.org/event-4135098
Date and Time
Sunday Feb 21, 2021
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM CST
Sunday Feb 21, 2021 3:00 PM
Zoom or FB Live
Contact Information
Anne Lewis
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