Dashing to the Dough - Reindeer Games
Join in on the Chamber's reindeer games! How Many Reindeer Can You Find? We've hidden several reindeer images all throughout the Pierre Area Shop Where I Live website, and in various participating retail locations. Join in on our reindeer games to see how many reindeer you can find!
Want to support local businesses in person? You can 'Dash to the Dough' by shopping the Pierre area too! Enter your name into the bucket at participating locations for a chance to win $100 in Pierre Pride Dollars from each participating business!
You could win up to $2,400 in extra holiday spending money just from shopping the Pierre area - online or in person! Going on now through December 18th, 2020! No purchase necessary, just enter to win! The winners will be announced at the "Meet Santa's Reindeer" event at East Pierre Landscape & Garden Center from 12 pm - 4 pm on Saturday, December 19. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for more details.
BankWest is a proud sponsor of this #Loyal2Local campaign.
Participating businesses:
Angel’s Salon
Branding Iron Bistro
Capital City Florist
Capital City Wine & Spirits
East Pierre Landscape & Garden Center
Fearlessly & Wonderfully Made
Hogen’s Hardware
Hogen’s Kitchen Store
Lynn’s Dakotamart (Downstairs)
Pottery Plus
Shoe Sensation
Slumberland Furniture
South Dakota Cultural Heritage Center Gift Shop
South Dakota Discovery Center
South Dakota Popcorn Co.
South Dakota State Capitol Gift Shop
The Alley Exchange
Tibbs Leather Works
Wilde Prairie Rose
Date and Time
Monday Nov 16, 2020 Friday Dec 18, 2020
Now - Dec. 18, 2020
No purchase necessary, just find as many reindeer hidden on the site as you can or register at participating businesses!