American Red Cross Babysitters Training
American Red Cross babysitting and child care courses can help you provide quality care to children of all ages. Developed by experts in the industry, our course is available to those ages 11 and older NO NEED TO BE A BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB MEMBER and includes topics such as choosing age-appropriate activities, basic child care, like bottle feeding, child behavior, leadership, professionalism, safety, starting a babysitting business, and more. Please note: Red Cross child care classes are not intended for those seeking certification for state-licensed child care providers and does not meet all state requirements for such certification.
Date and Time
Thursday May 25, 2023
2:00 PM - 6:00 PM CDT
5/25 2pm-6pm
Boy's and Girls Club 110 Ree St. Pierre, SD 57501
Contact Information
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