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8th Annual Wishard Disc Golf Memorial Tournament
Pre-registration is preferred! Current state park sticker required.
Players Pack for the first 50 players registered and be eligible for random draw prizes for registering online. Find more information on the flyer below.
8th Annual Wishard Disc Golf Memorial...
Date and Time
Friday May 28, 2021 Saturday May 29, 2021
Friday, May 28: Early registration/Check in from 5-5:45 PM. Random draw doubles $5
Saturday, May 29: Registration/Check in from 8-9 AM. 9:30 AM players meeting. 10 AM Start Round 1. 12:30 PM Lunch TBD. 1:30 PM Start Round 2. 4:00 PM Awards
Oahe Downstream Recreation Area, Ft. Pierre, SD
Fee depends on division you play in.
Contact Information
Dan, 605-209-2788
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