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Chamber's Business Blog

Where the Pierre Area Chamber of Commerce shares helpful tips, tricks, articles and resources for the Pierre - Fort Pierre business community. The Pierre Area Chamber of Commerce is an active membership organization that has served the Pierre and Fort Pierre communities since origination as the Pierre Citizens Union in 1881. The Chamber promotes prosperity, growth, and our way of life in the lower Oahe region.
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
How to Choose Colors for Your New Logo

A logo is the first impression people will have of your brand. With studies revealing users take 0.05 seconds to form an opinion about your business, there is a need to make your logo really stand out.

Pierre Area Chamber of Commerce

Wednesday, January 12, 2022
Efficiency Versus Effectiveness: Which will you choose for 2022?

As a business owner or employee, there are times to concentrate on efficiency and there are times to gear your operation to effectiveness. If you are one or the other all the time, you will find yourself struggling either with burn out or missed deadlines.

Pierre Area Chamber of Commerce