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Hopeless to Homes Animal Rescue Fundraiser Sale
Event by Fort Pierre Dog Spa and Hopeless to Homes Animal Rescue
Come see what is for sale and meet some great pups that are up for adoption.
Ways you can help make this fundraiser a success
- Like and share this post
- Drop off items for the garage sale or bake sale, (Please Price and mark all the items) Items can be dropped off Tuesday - Thursday 8-4 PM or contact us about after hours drop off.
- Monetary donations can be dropped off inside (H2H has a jar)
- Stop in and socialize with the pups and dogs, even if you cannot adopt, this is a great blessing to these pups
- Become a foster
- Adopt
Contact persons: Jill Schimkat Moody, Lacey Boxley, and/or Myself Sabrina Waldron. You may also text 866-870-5297 (This is the Fort Dog Spa text line).
Thank you for all who have already been working on getting things rolling! We appreciate everyone.
Since FB has removed the actual Hopeless to Homes Animal Rescue Page we are crossing our fingers that information can get out.
Watch for the photos of some of our precious babes tonight!
Hopeless to Homes Animal Rescue Fundr...
Date and Time
Saturday Apr 20, 2024
8:00 AM - 2:00 PM CDT
Saturday, April 20th from 8 AM - 2 PM
Fort Dog Spa
610 HWY 14/34, Fort Pierre
Contact Information
Contact persons: Jill Schimkat Moody, Lacey Boxley, and/or Myself Sabrina Waldron. You may also text 866-870-5297 (This is the Fort Dog Spa text line).