Dakota Blast- Willow Creek Wildlife Inc.
Join us at Willow Creek's annual fun shoot. You can shoot 50-500+ targets, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday, to warm up for Sunday's 150 target Main event. Each event only takes an hour or two so you have plenty of time to schedule this in with your other activities!
Free Saturday evening feed. Every 50 targets attempted gets you a ticket in the drawing. Our donors and sponsors are giving away, two shotguns, flats of shells and TOO MANY PRIZES TO LIST!
Register by: email hunt@willowcreekwildlife.com, get ahold of Aimee 605-280-7672, or
click the link
Shooting these events will help you in the field this Fall, regardless what the scorecard says. No invites or qualifications needed - open to all! Men, Women, and Kids Welcome! You don not have to shoot all 3 days! One event only takes a couple of hours. You do not have a crowd watching you - it's you and your squad. Relax and have fun, stop worrying about your score!
Date and Time
Thursday Jun 6, 2024 Sunday Jun 9, 2024
June 6, 7, 8, and 9th
Willow Creek Wildlife
20628 Willow Creek Road, Fort Pierre
Register by: email hunt@willowcreekwildlife.com, get ahold of Aimee 605-280-7672, or
click the link
Contact Information
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