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Beaver Bay Run - 3rd Annual Grey Goose Store
This is just a passion run, and we also ride in memorium of fallen brothers and sisters from the community.
Do you love wrenching on machines, love running machines... then this is a ride for you. A social networking experience that goes for a day, evening, and maybe into the night. Taking the time to have great experiences being in proximity to good people, amazing views of the dammed Mighty Mo.
Motorcycles, hotrods, semis... whatever you wanna run the road with is cool. Run from Oahe Dam to Oahe's Beaver Bay ND and back to GGS&SC... 188 miles one way, 376 round trip. Sign up 8 am... KSU 9 am. Break & gas/fuel stop in Selby, suggested. Roll on to Beaver Bay, check in at the Corp of Engineers Campground (follow the RC), have lunch and refreshments before the return trip. Gas if you need it up the hill, and another break gas/fuel stop in Mobridge. The support vehicle and trailer have you covered if you should need the support. Roll on to the Goose, check in @ the Roadhouse for route completion, supper and some entertainment.
The route: https://goo.gl/maps/AQjKBwxDrotQUb6y8
Beaver Bay Run - 3rd Annual Grey Goos...
Date and Time
Saturday Aug 24, 2024
8:00 AM - 8:00 AM CDT
Saturday, August 24 at 8 AM
Grey Goose Store & Social Club
Contact Information