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South Dakota Bankers Association


AssociationOrganization- Non Profit

About Us

South Dakota Bankers Association
The SDBA is a professional and trade association for South Dakota's financial services industry. Established in 1884, the SDBA enhances members' ability to be preeminent providers of financial services.

South Dakota Bankers Insurance & Services
The SDBIS is a subsidiary of the South Dakota Bankers Association. Through SDBIS, SDBA member financial institutions have access to a variety of competitively priced products and services. Due to the SDBA's status as a nonprofit corporation, SDBIS is able to broaden the range of products the SDBA can offer.

South Dakota Bankers Foundation
In 1992, the SDBA undertook a major fund drive to further capitalize the foundation in order to provide ag lending internships, scholarships and special educational programs and award at both the secondary and post-secondary levels. In addition to funding various consumer education programs, the Foundation recognized the banking industry for a variety of community service programs.

SD Bankers Benefit Plan Trust
Also known as the SDBA Multiple Employer Trust, the South Dakota Bankers Association created a self-funded health insurance group January of 2014 in response to the rapidly changing health insurance market. A self-funded plan benefits our members by providing competitive premiums and reduced fees.