Zonta Holiday Craft & Vendor Show 2024
For more information contact Kelli Buscher 605-280-1511 kbuscher@pie.midco.net
Zombie 5k - Oahe Family YMCA
Get ready for a thrilling adventure at the YMCA Zombie 5-K! Join the fun on October 19 at 9 AM. Participants can be ''runners,'' starting the course at the Pierre Area Chamber of Commerce. ''Zombies'' will be stationed along the course, ready to chase runners at their own pace. Come in your best costume for a chance to win door prizes. Runners register by September 30 to receive a Zombie 5K t-shirt. Whether running for your life or embracing your inner zombie, this event promises a spooktacular time for everyone. Runners: $30 members, $40 non-members Registration ends October 18 Register at the welcome desk or oaheymca.org zombies volunteers needed (Spaces limited)
Youth Mental Health First Aid
Youth Mental Health First Aid is a skills-based training course that teaches adults how to identify, understand, and respond to mental health and substance use challenges among youth. Designed for teachers, parents, caregivers, and anyone working closely with young people, this training equips participants with the knowledge to support adolescents experiencing a mental health crisis or showing early signs of a mental health challenge. Through engaging, evidence-based curriculum, attendees learn effective ways to provide initial help and connect youth to the appropriate resources. Join us to become a crucial source of support for young people in your community! Registration is due by Monday, January 13 to Stephanie Kinnander at stephaniek@humanserviceagency.org. Questions? Contact Jana Boocock at 605-224-5811 or jana.boocock@cacsnet.org
Year End Celebration - Pierre Teammates
Potluck & Program for Mentors, Mentees, School Admin/Board, Advisory Board & Families. Watch for event details in early April.
Yard Sale - Flea Market
A flea market and yard sale! We will host an area wide yard sale in the Roadhouse and parking lot. New stuff, old stuff, vintage, collector, motorcycle parts, gardening, farming, what ever you got to sell, bring it! Vendors and private sellers welcome. If you would like to sell please reach out to us. 605-945-0794 Spots are free to use, bring your own setup (tables and such). Attendance is free so plan to get your barter on! Free to sell and attend! don't fail for any scammers who may jump on here! Sellers can set up early Saturday morning, or Friday Afternoon/evening. Call 605-945-0794
Wrap Party Event
Little Learners Preschool of Pierre is doing a fundraiser for their Preschool. They will wrap your gifts from 10-2pm. Free will donations! This helps their non-profit preschool out! Don't forget to come shop our Vendors in the back of our store from 10-3pm! Look for more information on our Facebook Page!
World Braille Day
Learn all about Braille and celebrate Louis Braille's birthday with cake and LEGOs! Join Josh Easter, Equipment Manager with the South Dakota Braille & Talking Book Library. For more details or to register, call 605-773-7421
Workforce Knowledge Series: Disability Recruitment and Retention in the Workforce
Explore how the SD Dept. of Human Services Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agency helps business recruit and retain individuals with disabilities. Learn how VR offers access to a pool of potential qualified candidates, job coaching, follow-along services, and more. Registration required. Sign up at this link.
Wool Applique or Slow Stiching
Our Lost Art Classes begin again- Wool Applique or Slow Stiching September 24th 3-5 PM and 6-8 PM ​ Pre-register by texting your name and email address to 605-280-5792 and we will send you an invoice $35 plus tax. Everything included.