Friday Funnies - Grey Goose Store & Social Club
Get ready for the laughter at the Speakeasy this winter as we bring you comedians from all over the region for 3rd Friday Funnies. Free shows, 21+, grab a bucket of beers at the bar! SPEAKEASY HOUSE RULES: Put your cell phones on SILENCE! Live in the moment. Be respectful to the comedians and people who came to hear them through. If you want to visit aloud, please go back down to the Social Club. Heckling the comedians will probably get you embarrassed, and escalating will get you invited to leave. There is no cover charge, and the bar is located in the Social Club, we promote grabbing a bucket of beers on your way up to the Speakeasy. Seating is first come, please don't push a bunch of the tables together unless your group is all there ready to sit down. If there are empty chairs at your table or in the room, please help people find a seat. Lastly enjoy the evening! Laughing is good for you!!
SDUIH Walking Group SDSU Extension
South Dakota Urban Indian Health in Pierre and SDSU Extension are excited to kick off the spring session of the walking group. The group will meet at the Pierre clinic on Monday and Fridays from 1 - 2 :30 PM. Participants can plan to meet at the clinic to drop off their belongings and then walk a few blocks to the walking route. Light snacks will be provided following the walk. Incentives available for participation. Sign up at this link. Transportation available upon request.