Kid Kare - Virtual Babysitting Clinic (6 Weeks)
Presented by SDSU Extension & 4-H Virtual Babysitting Clinic March 18-April 29 Youth ages 9 & up can register to participate in 6 weeks of virtual group learning covering important childcare subjects including: Fun Activities Nutrition First Aid & Safety Childhood Behaviors Babysitting Success Register Online by click the link, or scanning the QR code. https://form.jotform.com/240165499608162 The Kid Kare Program will feature a weekly live presentation; however, a recording of each session will be available on demand if participants are unable to join the workshop during the scheduled time.
River Cities Cornhole - Open Cornhole Nights
River Cities Cornhole holds weekly cornhole nights every Monday evening at the Moose Lodge 1813 in Fort Pierre, SD through early April. The weekly event includes a knock-out round, round-robin, mini tournament, and air mail draw all for a $10 buy-in. All participates are guaranteed at least 6-games of cornhole! No Moose Lodge membership is required. Participants can bring their own bags or bags are provided. This is a great opportunity for cornhole enthusiast to enjoy playing awesome game of cornhole. Join us for the fun & improve your baggin' skills so you are ready to win those campground and backyard tournaments.
SDUIH Walking Group SDSU Extension
South Dakota Urban Indian Health in Pierre and SDSU Extension are excited to kick off the spring session of the walking group. The group will meet at the Pierre clinic on Monday and Fridays from 1 - 2 :30 PM. Participants can plan to meet at the clinic to drop off their belongings and then walk a few blocks to the walking route. Light snacks will be provided following the walk. Incentives available for participation. Sign up at this link. Transportation available upon request.
Toastmasters Capitol City Club Meeting
We invite you to join Pierre's Capitol City Toastmasters. We are a diverse group of individuals interested in improving our speaking and communication skills. As a member, you will have many opportunities for running a meeting, answering table topics, providing feedback to other members and practicing your leadership skills. You will grow as a person and a professional as you challenge yourself in this setting. Our members are excited to see you improve as you complete your communication and leadership manuals provided by Toastmasters International. You are welcome to visit our regular meetings as a guest and then join this excellent training environment. Reach out if you're interested in joining a meeting.