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Storytime - Rawlins Library
Storytime Returns! Enjoy storytelling and sing-along fun on Wednesday mornings.
USD Day at the Capitol
The University of South Dakota is coming to Pierre Feb. 7-8! We'll have two great events for our alumni, friends and supporters in the area. Appetizers and refreshments will be provided at both. See the details below. All are welcome! We hope to see you at our Alumni and Friends Reception the evening of Feb. 7: https://www.usdalumni.com/.../usd-alumni-friends-reception Then at USD Day at the Capitol for Dome Dogs, networking and more on Feb 8: https://www.usdalumni.com/events/usd-day-at-the-capitol-2024 RSVPs are encouraged. Hope to see you there!
Wine Wednesday's - Missouri Avenue Event Center
Wine Wednesdays are back! Our famous sliders and drink specials! Every Wednesday from 4:30 - 8:30 PM