2023 American Legion Train Show
2023 American Legion Train Show, kids can run some trains! Free show, free prizes, and a scavenger hunt. Hourly drawing prizes for the kids, lunch served at noon with a free will donation. Donations fund next years' prizes! Proudly sponsored by American Legion Post 8, VFW Post 2038, Sons of the Legion Squadron 8. The School District neither endorses nor sponsors the organization or activity represented in this document. The distribution of this material is provided as a community service.
Christmas Cafe and Bake Shoppe
Cookie Walk, Bake sale, Candy shop, Dessert Center, and a Beverage Bar.
Christmas Paw-traits- The Alley & Michelle Maupin Barrett Photography
Ready to have some fun with your pets and support Hopeless 2 Homes Animal Rescue in the process? April at The Alley and Michelle Maupin Barrett Photography are hosting ''Paw-traits'' to raise much needed funds for H2H. Freewill Donation! Plus you'll get a chance to win an awesome gift basket designed with your pup in mind!