Pizza Pool Party
Don't miss out on the Pizza Pool Party next Saturday night for your little ones! Registration is going on now. It's a evening of laughter, games, and pizza. Space is limited so please call the front desk or register online. Cost for members is $15 and for non-members $20
Pokemon League
Join our local Pokemon League - The UnFezant Flyers. Our local Professor can help you hone your skills or learn to play the game. Regulars can also come in and play against fellow pokemon players for healthy competition.
Snow Good Event - Kris' Glam Closet
Come join our Winter Wonderland. Come shop our Build your Snowman Bundle (hats & mittens) for a special price! Enjoy our Hot Cocoa Bar! Come play a snowball shooting game for a discount! Don't forget to come shop our Vendors in the back of our store from 10-3pm! Look for more information on our Facebook Page!