Social Work Day at the Capitol
Social Work Day at the Capitol is an opportunity for social workers and social work students to advocate for their profession, learn about legislative process, and take an active role in shaping policies that promote social justice and enhance the well-being of communities.
Youth Mental Health First Aid
Youth Mental Health First Aid is a skills-based training course that teaches adults how to identify, understand, and respond to mental health and substance use challenges among youth. Designed for teachers, parents, caregivers, and anyone working closely with young people, this training equips participants with the knowledge to support adolescents experiencing a mental health crisis or showing early signs of a mental health challenge. Through engaging, evidence-based curriculum, attendees learn effective ways to provide initial help and connect youth to the appropriate resources. Join us to become a crucial source of support for young people in your community! Registration is due by Monday, January 13 to Stephanie Kinnander at stephaniek@humanserviceagency.org. Questions? Contact Jana Boocock at 605-224-5811 or jana.boocock@cacsnet.org
USD Day at the Capitol
The University of South Dakota is coming to Pierre January 27! We'll have two great events for alumni, friends, and supporters in the area. Appetizers and refreshments will be provided at both. The events are free to attend, but RSVPs are encouraged. All are welcome! See event details and RSVP below We hope to see you at USD Day at the Capitol for Dome Dogs, networking and more: Link Then join us at our Alumni and Friends Reception at Drifters Bar & Grille that evening: Link We hope to see you there!
Registration for Post 8 Baseball 2025 Season
Registration for all individuals wanting to play Post 8 Baseball for the 2025 season. NEW players must bring a copy of their birth certificate. Registration fee is $50. Payable to Post 8 Baseball.
Open Cornhole Nights
All skill levels welcome! Bring your own bags or bags available All players guaranteed at least 6 games Knock-out, rounders, and tournament included $10 buy-in plus $5 optional for airmail draw Follow us on Facebook : River Cities Cornhole ​https://www.facebook.com/groups/rivercitiescornhole