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DEADLINE for Thanksgiving Holiday Feast Meals Applications
October 31st is the deadline for Thanksgiving Holiday Feast Meals applications for those who cannot afford to purchase them for their families. Applications can be picked up at PARS, 110 W. Missouri Avenue Distribution for the gift cards is November 23 at PARS.
Trick or Treat at The Andrea Royer Studio
Come drop by the studio for candy and check out Rhythm Prism and the Soul Singers! Free musical instruments to the first 50 guests!
Trick or Treat at the Library
Make Rawlins Library your first stop this Halloween!
3rd Annual Trunk or Treat - Grey Goose Store & Social Club
Bring your ghouls and goblins out to the GGS&SC parking lot for some treats and possibly some tricks. More details to come.
Trunk 'N' Treat Halloween Activity - Faith Lutheran Church
Truck 'N' Treat! Treats, warm cider, hot chocolate, and coffee provided. All well lit area for our Trunk 'N' Treaters, and restrooms available!