Grey Goose Halloween Display
The Grey Goose Halloween Display will be October 17th - 19th from 6-9 PM, weather permitting. All are welcome to walk around and enjoy the spooky displays. New this year while pumpkins last, from 6-7 pm you can pick a pumpkin from the garden patch to take home. Children must be accompanied by an adult. As always, please be mindful of wildlife, pedestrians, and vehicles. Directions: 19988 Grey Goose Road. Turn onto Grey Goose Road off Highway 1804 and drive just a little over 4 miles north. Look for the orange glowing lights. Landowners are not responsible for accidents or lost items. ​We look forward to seeing you!
Zombie 5k - Oahe Family YMCA
Get ready for a thrilling adventure at the YMCA Zombie 5-K! Join the fun on October 19 at 9 AM. Participants can be ''runners,'' starting the course at the Pierre Area Chamber of Commerce. ''Zombies'' will be stationed along the course, ready to chase runners at their own pace. Come in your best costume for a chance to win door prizes. Runners register by September 30 to receive a Zombie 5K t-shirt. Whether running for your life or embracing your inner zombie, this event promises a spooktacular time for everyone. Runners: $30 members, $40 non-members Registration ends October 18 Register at the welcome desk or oaheymca.org zombies volunteers needed (Spaces limited)
Kristi's Halloween Sweets & Treats-a-Palooza
New flavors of cookies, sourdough cinnamon rolls, bread, & scones; snack mixes, caramel apples, dirt cups, cupcakes, & so much more! Free treats for the kids! Gluten free treats as well.