DI Skillfire Camp Little Players
Embark on an adventure of creativity and discover your hidden talents with Destination Imagination Pierre. Skillfire covers all bases -- performance, building, teamwork, and creativity. These skills are going to be used in everyday life. Skillfire Camp introduces and reinforces... Teamwork Communication Creative Thinking Dramatic Play Self-Expression Project Management Material Properties Resource Awareness Literary Analysis Research Technical Design Goal-Setting Improvisation Rapid Ideation
Resumes, Cover Letters, and Applications: Career Toolkit
Whether you're starting from scratch or polishing an existing resume, learn how to highlight your skills, achievements, and experience to land your next interview. Register for this workshop and join us to gain insights into industry standards, formatting tips, and how to tailor your resume for different jobs. Registration required. Go to this link, and click on the event to register.
Manufacturing Statewide Virtual Hiring Event - SD Dept. of Labor
Job seekers and manufacturing employers can connect online to explore job openings, gather information, and interact in real time through text chat and video interviews. Register (No cost to employers or job seekers) For more information/to register, go to dlr.sd.gov/hiring-events and click on Virtual Hiring Events Contact your Job Service office if you have questions/need help preparing.
Jobs in the 605: Manfacturing Statewide Virtual Hiring Event
Our Manufacturing Virtual Hiring Event provides opportunities for job seekers and manufacturing employers across the state to interact in real time through text chat and video interviews. Employers - Conduct same-day interviews, discuss job openings, and interact with job seekers to find suitable candidates for your open positions. Sign up for your free virtual booth today: Link Job Seekers - Visit online with manufacturing employers throughout the state to learn about their companies and job openings, and possibly interview the same day. Register for free today: Link Check out the ''How to Register'' videos on the Registration pages for guidance on signing up. Contact the Job Service office with questions about the event or for help preparing: Link Brought to you by the South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation, South Dakota Governor's Office of Economical Development, South Dakota Manufacturing and Technology Solutions, the South Dakota Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Economical Development Professionals Association.
Family Fun Night - Oahe Child Development Center
Family fun, food, games, and obstacle courses
Fall Wreath Workshop! - East Pierre Landscape
Last call for a fall wreath workshop! Let's make a Fall Wreath using artificial leaves and berries! The cost is $50 per wreath and includes all supplies & instruction. Call to sign up! 605-224-8832
American Legion Post 8 Membership Meeting
All members please join us at 6 PM for our monthly membership meeting. If you have serves honorably in the military service of any branch, you are most welcomed!