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Prarie Winds 4H Achievement Days
Prairie Winds 4H Achievement Days
Don't let a scammer fool you - rawlins library
Jody Gillaspie, director of the SD Division of Consumer Protection, will tell what her office does and how you can protect yourself from scams and fraud. Register at the Circulation desk, call the library at 605-774-7421, or register at rawlinslibrary.org/programs-events ​
Tipsy Tuesday - Raven's Roadside Tavern
Dreaming of a tropical escape? Our Mango Tango brewtail is your ticket to paradise. For $1 off, this Mango Cart masterpiece (with a touch of grenadine and a cherry) is the perfect drink for any weather. And that's not all! All mango craft drafts are also $1 off too! Early birds get the worm (or in this case, a discount on mozzie sticks) Enjoy $1 off your order from 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM ​