Princess Party Fundraiser
You're invited to a Princess Party Fundraiser for Miss South Dakota High. The fundraiser is to raise funds to help Kaylee get to the National pageant to represent South Dakota. Lil' Princesses or prince will make a crown and decorate a sash. Have a snack and listen to Miss South Dakota High read a story.$20 donation. Please call 507-259-1251 with any questions.
AUDITIONS: She Kills Monsters
Pierre Players will hold auditions for ''She Kills Monsters'' on Monday, July 8, 2024, 7 p.m. at the Grand Opera House. There are parts for three males and six females or play a role behind the scenes. For more information, contact Director Lydia Kanz at lydiajkanz@gmail.com or 605.295.3799. Synopsis: She Kills Monsters tells the story of Agnes Evans as she leaves her childhood home in Ohio following the death of her teenage sister, Tilly. When Agnes finds Tilly?s Dungeons & Dragons notebook, however, she finds herself catapulted into a journey of discovery and action-packed adventure in the imaginary world that was her sister?s refuge. In this high-octane dramatic comedy laden with homicidal fairies, nasty ogres, and 90s pop culture, acclaimed playwright Qui Nguyen offers a heart-pounding homage to the geek and warrior within us all. ''She Kills Monsters'' is presented by special arrangement with Concord Theatricals. Comedy by Qui Nguyen Directed by Lydia Kanz Assistant Director: Tyson Nafus https://www.pierreplayers.com/shows/shekillsmonsters/