House Plant - Palooza!!
Sales on houseplants, pottery, fertilizer, & plant stands! Workshops: Sat. 1/27 at 11 AM - Succulent Terrarium Dish $25 Sat. 1/27 at 1 PM - Common Houseplant Problems - Free Sun. 1/28 at 1 PM - Bulb Planter - $25
Youth Mental Health First AId
Youth Mental Health First Aid is a skills-based training course that teaches adults how to identify, understand, and respond to mental health and substance us challenges among youth, Designed for teachers, parents, caregivers, and anyone working closely with young people, this training equips participants with the knowledge to support adolescents experiencing a mental health crisis or showing early signs of a mental health challenge. Through engaging, evidence-based curriculum, attendees learn effective ways to provide initial help and connect youth to the appropriate resources. Join us to become a crucial source of support for young people in your community! Registration is due by Monday, January 13 to Stephanie Kinnander at stephaniek@humanserviceagency.org Questions? Contacts Jana Boocock at 605-224-5811 or jana.boocock@cacsnet.org
Winterfest Fun - The Alley
Join us for the releases of more new inventory just for the cold days! Enjoy a FREE hot toddy while you shop and put your name in for a free gift basket to be drawn at the end of the day! Like always, full-service coffee shop in store!
January Blues Event - Kris' Glam Closet
Come shop our NEW denim! We will show you how to style in winter, for work, and for the weekend. Don't forget to come our vendors in the back of our store from 10-3 PM! Look for more information on our Facebook Page @ Kris' Glam Closet
Valentines for family, friends, and local senior citizens
You and your family will have a fun morning creating homemade Valentines for loved ones and making an extra card for a senior citizen living in Pierre. Rawlins Library will deliver your homemade Valentines to Senior Citizens residing in our Adult Outreach locations.