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Veterans of Foreign Wars and Auxiliary Blood Drive
This blood drive is sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and VFW Auxiliary. This event is in honor of "Day of Service" on May 4th. You can sign up by calling Glyinis Collier (803-466-7031), vitalant.org and seach for the drive, or scanning the QR Code that is on the following Facebook pages: Pierre SD VFW Post 2038 VFW Axuliary Post 2038, Pierre SD
Veterans of Foreign Wars and Auxiliar...
Date and Time
Wednesday May 15, 2024
10:00 AM - 2:30 PM CDT
May 15, 2024; 10:00am-2:30pm
American Legion Hall 520 S Pierre St
Contact Information
Glynis Collier 803-466-7031