Discovery on Tap: The Arctic and the Seed Bank
Introducing Discovery on Tap, the South Dakota Discovery Center's event targeted to adults and older youth! Our first guest is Arctic naturalist and guide Stefano Pozzi. Deep underground above the Arctic circle lies a seed bank, a repository for nations to leave important historical and cultural seeds in safe keeping. These seed deposits will provide the genetic starters for a nation to its rebuild agriculture and crops after a disaster such as war or extinction due to climate change. The Svalbard Seed Bank is not opened to visitors but our guest Stefano Pozzi did get a chance to get inside. He’ll share his story of his seed bank visit plus what it’s like living in the Arctic. We will be hosting via Zoom and streaming live to our FB page.
Date and Time
Sunday Jan 17, 2021
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM CST
Jan 17, 2021 3 PM
Zoom, Facebook
Free but registration is required to participate via Zoom.
Contact Information
Anne Lewis
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