Brown Bag Lunch & Learn: QPR Training
Host: Jana Boocock
Bring your own lunch and attend this QPR Training at the Pierre Area Chamber of Commerce!
What does QPR mean?
QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer — the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide. Just as people trained in CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver help save thousands of lives each year, people trained in QPR learn how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade, and refer someone to help. Each year, thousands of Americans, like you, are saying "Yes" to saving the life of a friend, colleague, sibling, or neighbor. QPR can be learned in our course in as little as one hour.
Who needs training?
Because of the nature of suicidal warning signs and who is most likely to recognize and respond to them, we at the QPR Institute strongly concur with the goal of one in four persons trained in a basic community helper role for suicide prevention in the United States and in other countries. Because suicides happen in families – where emergency interventions are more likely to take place — we believe that at least one person in every family should be trained in QPR. In short, the more people trained in QPR, the more lives saved.
What is a Community Helper?
A community helper is someone able to recognize a crisis and the warning signs that someone may be thinking about suicide. Community helpers can be anyone but include parents, friends, neighbors, teachers, ministers, doctors, nurses, office supervisors, squad leaders, foremen, police officers, advisors, caseworkers, firefighters, and many others who are strategically positioned to recognize and refer someone at risk of suicide.
As a QPR-trained community helper you will learn to :
• Recognize the warning signs of suicide
• Know how to offer hope
• Know how to get help and save a life
For more information, contact Jana Boocock at jana.boocock@cacsnet.org or 605-280-4370.
Date and Time
Monday Jun 17, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CDT
Monday, June 17th from 12 PM - 1 PM
Pierre Area Chamber of Commerce in Board Room
800 W Dakota Avenue
Free of charge
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