Auditions for Girl of La Mancha
Auditions: Little Players will hold auditions for "Girl of La Mancha" on Sunday, May 5th at 3 PM at the Grand Opera House.
There are parts for three males, nine females, and several extras entering 6th grade and up in the fall.
There are two adult roles and several roles to fill behind the scenes.
For more information, contact Director Michele Beeler at littleplayers605@gmail.com or 605-999-8503.
Synopsis: La Mancha Mall is overrun by costumed teenagers at the annual Cosplay Con. But when a clumsy gamer bumps her head and assumes the character of Donna Quixote, the event takes on a whole new, hilarious twist. Donna's farcical, mixed-up adventures include obtaining "armor" from a sporting goods store, tilting a windmill at Harry Putter's Magical Mini-Golf, enraging the wizard Gandaldore, having mock battles with pool noodles, and mistaking the food court busboy Alonzo for a magnificent nobleman. Meanwhile, all-too-normal Simon Carrasco makes a bet with the Goth girl, Darkniss, that he can restore Donna to mundane reality.
Date and Time
Sunday May 5, 2024
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM CDT
Sunday, May 5th from 3 PM - 5 PM
109 S. Pierre Street
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