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November 2021 Fort Pierre Mayor's Report

November 2021 Fort Pierre Mayor's Report

Sometimes you need to look behind you to realize just how far you have traveled.

During a staff meeting last week, we talked about how much Fort Pierre has grown and changed over the last 20 years.  Rick Hahn, City Engineer and Public Works Director, and Finance Officer Roxanne Heezen, volunteered to put together some information for the Council meeting.  The table below will provide some highlights:
                                                        2001                                 2020                % Change
Assessed Valuations                  $  55,275,486              $ 227,869,245             312.24%
Tax Revenues
Sales Tax                                     $       260,344             $      1,307,832             402.35%
Property Tax                                $       392,143              $      1,270,450             223.98%
Total                                             $       652,487             $      2,578,282              295.15%
General Fund Expenditures     $    1,246,486              $      3,531,247             183.30%
Fulltime City Employees                               14                                   18               28.57%
Building Permits issued 2001-2020:    2165
            Total improvement value:  $121,227,045
            New residential homes:          285
            New commercial buildings:       97
Comparing Google Earth maps of the city in 1991 and 2017 tells an even more dramatic story.  Entire residential developments (Marions Garden, Marions Pastures, Marions Acres, Vintage Square Estates, and Compton’s Cove) have sprung up, and the Teton Island Business Park transformed that area. 

We appreciate the foresight of previous mayors and councils who saw the need for infrastructure to accommodate growth.  And we will always be grateful to the entrepreneurs and developers who invested (and continue to invest) capital, time and dedication to the future of our beautiful little city on the rivers.

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