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July 2021 Membership Report

July 2021 Membership Report

Where did June go? Hopefully, you were able to get out and attend all of the activities that occurred over the past few weeks; Oahe Days, Buckin’ on the River, JO Softball Tournament, Legion baseball tournament, Trapper games, SD High School Finals Rodeo and high school class reunions. What a crazy fun time to be in the Pierre/Ft. Pierre area. Our communities have been full of visitors, the hotels are nearly at full capacity, and our local businesses are busier than ever. As they say, a rising tide lifts all boats.

I would like to salute the Oahe Days Music and Arts Festival coordinators for a fabulous weekend! Did you know Oahe Days is 100% volunteer planned, organized, and staffed by incredible community members? Year after year, the small committee is tasked with hosting thousands of people in the park, with only the help of a handful of people for the entire weekend. Without those volunteers, the fun-filled event that “builds community pride through celebration,” would not be possible. If you volunteered this year, thank you for your time! If you didn’t, please consider volunteering next year. The meetings to start planning for 2022 will begin in September…no joke!

The 4th of July is always a very special time in Pierre/Ft. Pierre. It is a jam-packed weekend full of family reunions, camping, boating and fun. Don’t miss the 4th of July Parade, Ft. Pierre Rodeo, 4 on the 4th Family Fun Run, Capital City Band performance, or the spectacular fireworks display after the rodeo! You can find specific details on each event on the Chamber’s community calendar. It is truly one of the best times to be in our community. Our local businesses are doing the best they can while short-staffed; please remember to be kind and patient as they deal with the influx of visitors over the holiday weekend and rest of the summer.

All of the events happening in our communities wouldn’t be possible without front-line workers. A huge thank you to those who serve the meals, pump the gas, sell the goods, check the guests into their rooms, and to the police and firefighters who keep us all safe! The fun events and activities that bring visitors to our area do not just serve as entertainment; they incite revenue for our cities and businesses. As they say, a rising tide lifts all boats.

School starts next month, so get out and enjoy all the summertime opportunities that are available to us in the lower Oahe region!

Katie Johnson
Membership Director

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