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February 2022 Membership Report

February 2022 Membership Report

Business After Hours will be in full swing on February 10th from 4-6pm in the Dakota Room at River Cities Public Transit. We invite the community to attend Business After Hours and learn what all six participating businesses have to offer. RCPT will be our host location and will be giving tours of their buildings while explaining all the services they provide to area residents. Other businesses participating include Lynn’s Dakotamart, Dakota Plains Federal Credit Union, Elleworx Massage & Wellness, TEAMMATES Mentoring Program, and Pierre Closets. Build relationships in a relaxed environment as you enjoy food and beverages provided. As always, there will be door prizes at the end of the event, so be sure to visit each booth and get your registration card marked. You do not need to be present at the time of the drawing to win, and you do not need to be a Chamber member to attend the free event.
We love our members, and February 14th is the day we like to shout it from the rooftops! The Pierre Area Chamber of Commerce, with the help of our Capital Area Networking group, will once again be distributing our new 2022 Membership Plaques throughout the day to thank you for investing in your chamber.
The Chamber’s mission is to further the interests of businesses – to advocate on their behalf and provide needed services and opportunities for growth. We want to be your voice; we are eager to help you succeed, and we believe that when you’re successful, our entire community benefits from that success. Displaying your membership plaque in your window or on your door for your customer to see helps solidify that mission. 
We can’t wait to see you on Valentine’s Day! If your member business is located outside of city limits, be watching for your plaque in the mail.
Katie Johnson
Membership Director

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