April 2022 Membership Report

The warmer weather has got us all thinking spring, and all the fun the coming months will bring to the Pierre Area. Here are a few dates to put in your calendar!
Spring Business After Hours
Hosted by TSP, Inc., Business After Hours is an informal way to connect with community members and promote your business or organization. Sip on a beverage, munch on hors d’oeuvres, possibly win some door prizes and get to know our local businesses! See you May 3 from 4-6PM at the Missouri Avenue Event Center!
Leadercast 2022 – The One Thing
Broadcasted from Duluth, GA to hundreds of Host Sites around the globe - including Pierre's Ramkota Hotel & Conference Center on Tuesday May 17th! The One Thing will be the spark that ignites your excitement and motivation to grow into a leader worth following. You will experience transformational insights from these incredible speakers. Attend, experience, and find your One Thing.
Leadercast is $65 for members and $80 for non-members. Registration is open now!
Pierre Area Chamber’s Golf Classic
The 20th annual event will be held at Hillsview Golf Course on Thursday, June 2nd. Make sure you mark your calendars for this great event and get your team together! Sponsorship opportunities are still available!
Oahe Days Music & Arts Festival, June 17 & 18
Oahe Days has announced Sawyer Brown for the Saturday night band, with more information to come on all the other festivities! You can also follow the Oahe Days Facebook page or go to oahedays.com for registration forms and more information.
Remember, this is a community event put on by a small group of (unpaid) volunteers. Whatever monies the event brings in (mostly from beverage sales) goes directly back into making next next year's event possible. This funding pays for the bands, insurance, port-a-potties, utilities and security, just to name a few. The caliber of entertainment coming to Pierre the past several years is not by sheer luck; it is because of the volunteers' hard work and dedication to creating a successful event. If you have the time and energy to volunteer at the 2022 Oahe Days event, please do so!
Melting snow and ice, sunshine, flowers, green grass, birds chirping…. Think spring!