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April 2021 CVB Report

April 2021 CVB Report

National Travel & Tourism Week (NTTW) is May 2 – 8, 2021, and is held annually for the US Travel community. This is the time when travel and tourism professionals celebrate the value that tourism brings to our economy, businesses and our personal well-being. The travel industry is a vital part of our local and state budget; where ‘Midwest hospitality’ is an intrinsic part of our identities as a family-friendly destination with a plethora of things to do and see at every price-point.

NTTW was established in 1983 by President Reagan. It is the annual acknowledgement to travel in America. There is a common theme to showcase travel’s contributions for the economy and for American jobs. This year, NTTW will recognize the Power of Travel and the industry’s role in bringing back our vibrant communities, restoring the U.S. economy, rebuilding our workforce and reconnecting America.

When you and your families are ready to travel and get back out in the world, please take some time this summer and fall to explore our great state. By doing so, you are supporting an industry that provides millions of jobs across the nation. Travel works and keeps our economy going. Ask your family and friends to come visit Pierre. Whether it’s for our nationally renowned outdoor recreation, old-west history or some fun on the Mighty Mo – Pierre has something for just about everyone year-round. Show them a wonderful time, and help our local businesses recover from COVID-19.

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