SD State High School Rodeo Finals Activities
SD State Highschool Rodeo Finals Activities
IEEE-USA IWRC is bringing the CHIPS Act to South Dakota! SIOUX FALLS
Helping small business and tribe owned businesses IEEE-USA IWRC brings the CHIPS Act to South Dakota 11 June with key sponsors AFRL Regional Network- Midwest and South Dakota State University! The 2024 IEEE-USA IWRC (Innovation, Workforce, and Research) Conference Dakotas brings together industry leaders, academics, and government representatives to bridge the gap between cutting-edge research and practical, market-ready applications. During this one-day summit, experts from the Dakotas and from organizations like the Department of Commerce CHIPS Office, NATCAST, South Dakota SBIR and the National Science Foundation EPSCoR office, will delve into topics such as research grants, technology transfer programs, start-up funding, and intellectual property, and how CHIPS funding can benefit South Dakota. The 11 June event aims to inspire and empower true innovation in the Dakotas and Midwest. There will be a pre-conference evening reception the night before and the preliminary agenda is available now at https://iwrc.ieeeusa.org/dakotas/. More info at: https://iwrc.ieeeusa.org/dakotas/