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Zoe's Blanket Drive for the Homeless (CHECK DATES/TIME)
Donate any gently used or new blanket for the homeless to help keep them warm this winter! Drive goes on until November 19th. Drop off at New Life Church (check date/time details) For more info: 605-478-0277.
Friendsgiving Potluck Dinner!
Raven's Roadside Tavern Friendsgiving Potluck Dinner Bring a dish to share. Family Friendly. Join us for a heartwarming celebration of friendship and gratitude!
Solve the Mystery - Game Night at Rawslins
Become a Cold Case Detective as you solve a homicide in this interactive mystery murder game! Must be +18 to register , registration is required. To Register: Call 605-773-7421 Stop by the front desk Online at rawlinslibrary.org