Sotera is excited to offer this Interactive Community Parent Support Group and Training. We will be using a trauma-informed and expert based curriculum created by "Creating a Family," a national adoption & foster care education and support nonprofit. Each Parent Support Group Curriculum covers a different topic relevant to challenging parenting issues and includes a video, handouts, additional resource guide, and certificate of attendance (for CE credits if desired). While this curriculum is geared towards foster, adoptive, and kinship families; we believe that this topic has a wealth of information that would be beneficial to the entire caregiving community and anyone in the community is welcome to attend. A wide variety of topics are offered throughout the year and are non-linear, meaning you can choose and attend the topics that interest you the most.
Prenatal exposure impacts a wide range of a child's brain development. This curriculum will help parents learn important information about prenatal exposure and the impacts on a child's development. Parents receive an overview of the short and long-term impacts on a child's development, including learning challenges and behavior struggles. Understanding the common symptoms of prenatal exposure to alcohol and drugs (both legal and illegal) will help parents identify their child's potential risks for developmental impacts. Finally, this curriculum will offer parents and caregivers a variety of tips to help them raise a child with prenatal exposure.
Parents will leave the support group with a better understanding of the following topics:
Monday May 13, 2024
6:00 PM - 7:45 PM CDT
Monday, May 13th from 6 PM - 7:45 PM
Sotera Youth and Family Services Collaborative
327 E. Dakota Avenue
Free childcare is available for children under 12 during this event. Please RSVP to at least 4 days prior for childcare.
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