Disaster strikes when one scientist gets "bugged" while experimenting on a black hole. The mishap wreaks havoc with the weather and traps climbers and travelling students under an avalanche of snow. Paramedics will attempt to rescue everyone while the police rush in to arrest the scientists. Can they reverse the effects of this terrible mistake or will the planet be doomed? Space is limited to 25 students entering into 3rd - 5th grade in fall of 2023.
Monday Jul 17, 2023 Friday Jul 21, 2023
July 17 - JUly 21, 2023 3:30 - 5:30 pm
Grand Opera House 109 S. Pierre, St
Michele Beeler
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800 West Dakota Avenue , Pierre, SD 57501 – (605) 224.7361 – contactchamber@pierre.org